** You must post the current line at the time of your post. You may not use an earlier line, and you cannot use a different line after you have posted your selection. This rule is based on the ‘honor’ system and will be monitored by the contest moderator and fellow contestants. If you feel that a fellow contestant has posted an incorrect line, contact sportsavant@therx.com immediately. Anyone involved in more than one dispute in will be disqualified. A Dispute/Concerns thread will be made available to contestants in the contest room.
As you know, this contest will not include posted lines, rather, players must use current lines from justbet.
If you suspect that someone has posted a bad line for their selection, please report it ASAP over here for investigation.
You see a poster post a line of +140, but the current line at Betjamaica is only +120, report it here.
As you know, this contest will not include posted lines, rather, players must use current lines from justbet.
If you suspect that someone has posted a bad line for their selection, please report it ASAP over here for investigation.
You see a poster post a line of +140, but the current line at Betjamaica is only +120, report it here.